Vastu tips & guidance

Vastu for bathroom – 7 Important tips to remove negativity

Vastu for bathroom - 7 Important tips to remove negativity

Most families put a great deal of energy and effort, in designing and remodeling their living space. The reason behind this is that the drawing room and hall are the areas that your guests see and hence, it should be presentable. However, home owners need to give equal importance to every room, because every space can be molded to emit positive energy. Bathrooms and toilets are often the most neglected spaces. It is unwise to leave a much-frequented space uncared for. A bathroom/toilet space that is not Vastu-compliant, can lead to financial issues or loss of wealth or even health issues for family members, stress or even minor accidents. If you are looking to construct or remodel your bathroom or rectify the Vastu of the bathroom then this article might help you with all your quarries.

In vastushastra the bathroom is believed to be the main exit point of all negative energy lets ‘Wash Away Your Troubles with vastu laws’

Why Vastu for bathroom is necessary ?

In vastushastra we believe the kitchen as the main  positive energy input and the bathroom/toilet as the negative energy output so in ancient times the bathroom was build out side the home area but in modern day with shortage of space this is not possible, so its become very important to maintain the vastu norms for building a bathroom in the apartment.

Hear are few negative effects of constructing a bathroom in bad zones of vastu are as follows:-




Impediments to business growth and wealth. It is said to hamper upcoming opportunities.


May cause health problems among family members.


Health problems affecting the digestive system and liver. Inhabitants may also be cut-off from society.


Financial problems or problems with marriage or childbirth, may happen.


Legal issues or loss of repute in business.


Relationship, health, or career-related problems may arise.


Property-related problems may arise.


May make it difficult to sell a property. One may not receive support from people around them.

Vastu for bathroom follows 7 important aspects to remove all negative energy from the house.

1.Bathroom direction as per Vastu

Vastu for bathroom

The bathroom must be in the west or north-west portion of your house.
As per advance vastu principals the west north west is an idle place for bathroom as this place refers for depression and detox.

Do not build the bath area in the south direction or even in the south-east or south-west direction, as it is said to have a negative impact on the health of the people in the house.

2.bathroom doors as per vastu

Vastu for bathroom
  • Bathroom doors should be in the north or east direction.
  • Use a wooden door and avoid metal doors. Avoid ornate statues of gods and goddesses on the bathroom doors.
  • Bathroom doors should be kept closed at all times, as it is said that leaving it open could let negative energy pervade into your personal relationships.
  • check dwarved for bathroom doors.

3.colours of bathrooms as per vastu

Vastu for colour

Use light colours for the bathroom, such as beige and cream. Avoid colours such as black and dark blue or even red. Other suitable colours for your bathroom are brown and even white.

If it is in north-west then white is more suitable as it refers to air zone.

Many people choose dark tiles or paint for their bath spaces but it is not recommended as per Vastu. From a cleanliness perspective also, lighter colours will help you spot dirt and help you attend to such areas.

4.commode position as per vastu

Vastu for bathroom

The commode must be of light colours and it must be fixed in the south or west wall near north-west or south-east but it should face towards north or east direction.

5.bathtub position as per vastu

Vastu for bathroom

If one plans for a bathtub in the bathroom then it must be in the south-west corner of the bathroom with heads in the south or west wall and foot towards in the east and north wall.

6.bathroom drainage or slopes as per vastu

Vastu for bathroom

Water outlets and drainage must be in the north, east or north-east and the slope of the bathroom should be in the same direction.

7.Vastu for bathroom utilities and fixtures

Vastu for shop & showrooms
  • Mirrors in the bathroom should be put up on the northern or eastern wall of the bathroom.
  • Electrical fittings, such as geysers, can be placed in the south-east side.
  • Exhaust fans, or if you have a window for ventilation, must face the east or north-east direction.
  • Washbasins should be in the east, north or north-east part of the bathroom.
  • The shower should also be located in the east, north or north-east part.
  • The washing machine should be placed in the south-east and north-west direction

5 Major tips for Vastu for bathroom.

  1. The direction of the bathroom must be in the west, west-north-west or the north west zone.
  2. Mirror must be placed in the east or north wall.
  3. Doors must be of good quality wood and should be in north – east zone of the bathroom.
  4. Water outlet or drainage must be in the east, north-east or north direction.
  5. Commode must be placed in the south or west wall facing east or north direction.

Vastu Plan Correction

Let the expert correct your property plan as per vastu norms.

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Vastu says that both glass and salt are factors of Rahu.  You could place a glass cup filled with salt in the bath and toilet space. It is said to remove Vastu defects. also use copper bucket for good results.

The bathroom in a house must be in the north or north-west portion.

Avoid dark colours in the bathroom. Light colours, such as beige and cream, are ideal for the bathroom, as per Vastu Shastra.

The exhaust fan or bathroom window must face the east or north-east direction to allow in fresh air and sunlight. Ventilation is important as it eliminates bacteria inside the bathroom.

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